Our All-Purpose Farmers Pack will improve and maintain the health of your animals and the productivity of your farm. It is made up of 50ml bottles (either spray or dropper) of the Kit 1, Kit 2 and Breeders Kit with 6 additional remedies (that’s 24 remedies valued at $1200), all packed into a padded waterproof case (valued at $100) and twelve months support (valued at $600) so you can get the most out of your kits. The All-purpose Farmers pack is $1100 plus postage.
We also recommend doing healing plans for your paddocks and stock to further their healing capabilities and increase the effects of these remedies.
These Kits consist of:
Kit 1
No. 1 Accident
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Rhus Tox 50C, Ruta 80C, Arnica 100C.
No. 2 Infection
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Hypericum 120C, Natural Antibiotic Oil.
No. 3 Poisoning
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 250C, Lycopodium 40C, Urtica Urens 80C, Veratrum Album 50C, Aloe Socotrina 80C, Ipecac 80C.
No. 4 Fever
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 100C, Ferrum Phos 100C, Gelsemium 100C, Arnica 70C.
No. 5 Bites & Stings
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Apis 60C, Ledum 40C, Urtica Urens 100, Aconitum Napellus 70C, Cantharis 70C, Carbolicum Acidum 80C, Histaminum 230C, Hypericum 110C.
No. 6 Abscess
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Silica 40C, Hepar Sulph 100C.
Kit 2
No. 7 Breathing Problems
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 120C, Hepar Sulph 30C, Sulphur 100C, Petroleum 60C, Aconitum 40C, Adrenalinum 360C.
No. 8 Stomach Upset
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Lycopodium 230C, Carbo Vegetabilis 70C, Natrum Carbonicum 60C, Nux Vomica 200C, Pulsatilla 50C, Bryonia 220C, Cinchona Officinalis 70C, Colocynthis 40C.
No. 9 Itch Relief
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 200C, Hepar Sulph 100C, Sulphur 60C, Psorinum 350C, Sulphur Iodatum 90C, Mezereum 60C, Ledum Tincture, Ledum 70C.
No. 10 Sudden Illness
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Aconitum 280C, Chamomilla 200C.
No. 11 Skin Bath
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Calendula Tincture, Antibiotic Oil, Arnica 30C, Bufo 250C, Hypericum 30C, Staphysagria 310C.
No. 12 Coughs
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Cocculus Indicus 50C, Ipecac 110C, Phosphorus 80C, Carbo Vegetabilis 40C, Sulphur 100C, Spongia Tosta 50C, Chamomilla 130C.
Breeders Kit
Birth Support
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Pulsatilla 1520C, Sepia 1260C, Calcarea Phosphorica 50C, Caulophyllum 250C, Carbo Vegetabilis 120C, Cimicifuga 80C.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Medorrinhum 1550C, Pulsatilla 1280C, Sepia 1500C, Borax 450C, Agnus Castus 310C, Selenium 520C, X-Ray 1580C.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Sepia 1570C, Natrium Mur 1580C, Flower Essence Heather, Flower Essence Willow, Flower Essence Scleranthus.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Ignatia 1550C, Cygnus Cygnus 1490C, Aconitum 450C, Pulsatilla 1580C, Natrium Mur 290C.
Bone Health
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Silica 500C, Symphytum 1480C, Calcium Carbonicum 330C, Calcium Phosphorus 280C, Phosphorus 100C, Arnica 90C.
Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Aconitum 330C, Apis 210C, Bryonia 90C, Tuberculinum Bovinum 30C, Streptococcus Agalacita 100C, Candida Albicans 70C, Phytolacca 60C, Phosphorus 110C, Silica 40C.
The six additional remedies consist of:
Alfalfa (for milk production in mums)
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Alfalfa 200C.
Vitamin & Mineral Mix
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Carnotite 200C, Chromite 200C, Chromium 200C, Iron 200C, Magnesium 200C, Manganese 200C, Pyrrhotite 200C, Zinc 200C, Vitamin B1 200C, Biotin 200C, Vitamin C 200C, Vitamin D 200C, Vitamin K 200C.
3 Day Sickness Remedy
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Aconite 200C, Fever Support Remedy, Nosode Japanese Encephalitis.
Stress Relief
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Chamomile 200C, Arnica 200C, Gelsemium 200C, Caffenium 200C, Lavender Flower Essence.
HWE Tonic
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Combination 12 Tissue Salts in 30C Potency.
Pinkeye Remedy
Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Hypericum 30C, Silica 30C, Lachesis 50C, Merc Sol 50C, Nosodes – Moraxella Bovis & Chlamydia Trachomatis.
All in 50ml bottles. That’s 24 remedies worth $50 Each, a special case and full support.
Order your All-Purpose Farmers Pack by clicking here.
Check out our other remedies by visiting Our Shop Here or seeing more in this category.