Good morning Cathy and Eric,
I have been writing this in my head for some weeks, but being both a Perfectionist and a Procrastinator, in equal parts, (Cathy you might have to do something for me about that!!), I have to write the perfect piece, at the perfect time blah blah blah which in turn is the perfect excuse for not plunging in and just getting it done. Regardless of the quality of this piece, I need to share our experience which has been absolutely amazing. !!
I have been interested in the Tower concept in various forms for some years, I have always wanted one but couldn’t find the right people and expertise to help me achieve my dream. Fast forward to Late Feb 2024 when I randomly came across some YouTube with Eric planting a Tower – (Miracle #1). I was so excited to contact Eric who was happy to talk to me and advised that as it happened they were travelling down our way the next week and would virtually be driving past our place – (Miracle #2) As it was my Birthday in early March I was easily able to justify the expense to my husband as the perfect Birthday present !! (well maybe not that easy but we got over the line!!)
After a wonderful day together, when while I was preparing lunch, Cathy healed my Springer Spaniel’s broken foot as a side event – (Miracle#3). Friends staying with us at the time could not believe that our poor doggie limping around miserably when they left that morning was jumping for joy on all fours when they came back that afternoon!!
We had the most beautiful time planting the Tower and I think Cathy has mentioned before that on completion we were astounded by this big flock of birds, that just flew for ages over the Tower site in lazy big circles, they stayed doing that for so long that we actually got tired of watching them as they were obviously in no hurry to leave. Apart from the birds the only other thing that I noticed was that almost immediately and for weeks afterwards the sound of crickets was almost overwhelmingly loud even on a hot afternoon with no rain in the vicinity of the Tower. Gradually the crickets could be heard in adjoining paddocks as well. Did I mention we are on hard granite country and the Tower is on the side of a hill, this was early March and it was still quite warm and dry. I have never heard crickets during the day, with no rain, in the paddocks – let alone singing so happily and joyfully.
Eric tried to temper my enthusiasm and impatience by reminding me that energy takes some time and we may not notice big changes for some time. He has a saying which I just can’t remember at the minute but I think the gist is that nature will do its own thing in the best way in her own time. So, of course, I visited my Tower daily and listened to my crickets and searched endlessly and impatiently for some big bold miraculous changes.
Nothing ………
( When I say nothing, I should say nothing that was bold and loud enough to break through my consciousness…)
UNTILL!!…… Early June, I noticed a new vibrancy and growth in our paddocks closest to the Tower, I thought well that is a growth spurt, but given the severity of cold frosty Bathurst winters, I knew full well that I could not expect much pasture growth until Spring. I was also a bit stressed as we always plant winter feed for grazing oats etc to get the cattle through the cold winters, and for a variety of reasons for the first time ever we had no winter crop sown.
Anyway, fast forward to the end of July. The feed continues to be abundant and of such a vibrate colour. The cattle are fat and contented, we had Stock agents out the other day and they were both astounded by the growth and bulk of feed, saying “We had the most feed in the district!”, they just kept saying we can’t believe how much feed you have and how well the stock is looking. Music to my ears.. As I look out my window I see a mob of 120 Angus heifers due to calve mid Sept, they are in an “eaten out” paddock as I don’t want them too fat when calving. They are all sitting down chewing their cud happily at 10.00 am, obviously having had plenty to eat and mineral rich despite not a lot of bulk feed on the ground in this paddock. The feed is growing faster than they can eat it.
Yesterday when coming home the property just seemed to glow, that is how I feel and would describe it at the moment. Before the Tower and Eric and Cathy’s wonderful energy and vibrancy, our property felt sad and hungry. I sometimes hated going out into the paddocks as I was at a loss as to how to “fix” it all. Now I can’t wait to get up and go into the paddocks, the cattle are so contented and calm and lots of things are just” coming together”. I cannot explain or understand what is happening in a conventional sense, but the feeling is that a switch has been turned on and the land, soil, birds, and cattle are all playing their part.

And speaking of ‘sparking JOY” a picture that seemed to sum it all up yesterday evening, was a matronly, very voluptuous, milky Hereford cow bucking and kicking up her heels all the way down the hill, fulsome, milky titties swinging in the breeze and I swear a look of gay abandon on her little baldy face. It was such a funny sight and she was so happy, as I am.!!
I can’t thank Eric and Cathy enough for sharing their gifts and insights. I don’t know when I have been so happy and enjoying life.
Love and Blessings to all,
To see our recommended remedies for your farm, stock and property click here.