Energy Remedies on Farm

How energy remedies can help on farm day to day and in emergencies?

We came across energy remedies in the form of homeopathic medicine in 1998 after the birth of our first son. His traumatic birth resulted in health issues for him and for me. Homeopathic medicine helped us resolve all these issues plus much more without the need for medication.

Our Homeopath at the time didn’t have any experience in using remedies on animals but encouraged us to pursue this further. At the time and still now we were breeding working dogs and over the years had sheep and cattle of our own and Eric managed large stock properties in NSW and Qld.

We started simple – as issues would come up with our dogs we would look in depth at the remedies we had on hand to see how we could manage the problem without rushing to the vet. This proved very easy and the results were quick and efficient. In most cases more efficient than medication and or vet treatment.

I remember two of the first times we really saw major results on stock animals very clearly. The first one was when a flock of the sheep Eric was managing at Banalasta Station, near Bendemeer in NSW came down with scourers. It was a dietary scourers not worm related. We decided we could use this opportunity to trial the remedies in the water trough.   We used homeopathic Arsenicum and Nux Vomica. Just a few drops of each in every water trough they had access to and the results were quick and profound. Very impressive for novices like us.

A little while later during calving Eric rang to say he had a cow with retained placenta after they had to manually deliver her calf. They’d been trying for ½ hour to release the placenta but it wasn’t happening and the mother didn’t want anything to do with the calf so there were bonding issues as well. Would I research which remedies would help with this and come to the yards with them? 20 minutes later I saw the most amazing healing I ever experienced. Eric went to the headbail and dropped 2 drops of homeopathic Pulsatilla on the cows nose and by the time he walked to the other end she had released and expelled her placenta. The next remedy we used was homeopathic Sepia to help her mother up with her calf. Truly a beautiful and life changing experience for us.

At this point you get excited about the possibilities. What else could we do with the amazing remedies?

Over the 6 years that Eric managed Banalasta we cleared pinkeye from any of the cattle or sheep that presented with it. We formulated a remedy to support the sheep post shearing and another that helped post weaning for mothers and babies.

The stock were strong, fertile and bounced back from traumas quickly.

When we left Bendemeer in 2005 we moved to Canungra in the hinterland of the Gold Coast and Eric started a sheep dog training business. We quickly found that many people spent a lot of time and money at the vet with their dogs. What were we doing different that allowed us to deal with day to day issues with all our dogs without vet assistance?

This was the catalyst for Heal with Ease to be created.

11 years later Heal with Ease is growing in ways we could never have imagined. We have basic remedies for every day farm issues like pink eye, three day sickness, foot abscess, injuries, infections, abscesses generally and so much more.


In 2009 we met Peter Esdaile from Warwick in Qld. He is an innate healer and he taught us about muscle testing. Our immediately thought was – what if we combined the energy remedies – homeopathic and other with the muscle testing. Could we effectively ‘douse/muscle test’ the best remedy for the situation? Of course we were on it. And the results were incredible.

Now days we can take a photo – of a bull, a dog, a mob of sheep or a block of land and muscle test exactly which remedies the ‘body’ requires to bring around good health.

Where a person or animal is in their health in this exact moment is a combination of inherited load plus accumulated load and the damage the load has caused to the internal functions of the body. When I talk of load I’m talking about bacterias, viruses, chemical and toxin exposure, emotional trauma and physical trauma.

With the testing we can identify the load and the internal disturbances and one by one clear and heal them to bring the body back to good health.

Since 2011 we have been working with a farmer at Deepwater in NSW maintaining health on his family and all his stock. Recently we added healing his paddocks to our program and this has created a major difference in the overall health, fertility and production of his farm.

I still remember when this farmer first contacted us in 2011. It was a phone call out of the blue asking if I could stop his sheep from dying. At that stage he had lost 500 lambs from that years production. He had called in all his specialists and run tests but nobody could tell him what was going on and no chemical treatments were stopping the deaths. I asked him to spend me a photo of the lambs and give me an hour but I had found the problem within 10 minutes and called him straight back.

The lambs had Helicobacter Pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulceration and was fatal if not cleared. He drove up from Deepwater to Rathdowney, where we were living at time, to pick up remedies to give his lambs. As he walked out our door, he turned back and said, “will this work, even if I don’t believe”. I said ‘of course’. J

He went home and gently bought all his sheep into the yards and treated each one with 2-3 drops of the vibrational remedy for helicobacter pylori. He didn’t lose another lamb, although it did take us a few weeks to heal the damage caused by the bacteria and restore health.

We have a few dairies that we work on regularly to keep their cows free of bacterias and that is going really well.

Since energy remedies are an allowable input into organic farms we are working with a few farmers who are transitioning to organic beef production and in doing this we will clear and heal any issues with their herd, making sure they are fertile and not stunted and not carrying any genetic issues or defects. We will also be working on healing chemicals and bacterias out of the paddocks and stimulating them to ensure good pasture production. It’s a big picture thing to achieve long term health and production with stock animals and properties.

Energy remedies are great for large farms but really come into their own on small properties where cost of chemical treatments are restrictive – where you have to purchase large amounts of chemical to treat just a few animals.

They are natural remedies, being only a vibration that changes the vibration within the animal to achieve the healing and have no withholding periods.

The remedies are very cost effective when a bottle of 300 doses costs just $50 plus postage.

In many cases they are more efficient than chemical treatments and have a broader sphere of healing being able to work on healing at the physical, emotional and mental levels.

If you would like to work more holistically with your stock animals and property, give us a call and we can chat about how best we can help you.

Eric and Catherine Tighe

Heal with Ease

This article or a journalist modified version of it will appear in Go Farmer Magazine December 2016

To book in for your stocks first Healing Plan click here. To book in for your farm’s/property’s first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.

To see our recommended remedies for your farm, stock and property click here.