Helping to Revive and Regenerate Farming Country

Growing up on a property, I had always had a connection with spirit or energy. Something I could not explain with my 5 senses. I just thought everyone could feel and see what I did.

In my late teens I developed some serious health issues that western medicine couldn’t fix, they could only give me temporary band-aid solutions.

Thus my journey of alternative therapies and my understanding of my ability to read energy began.

Fast forward to today, my partner and I have several properties in which we raise beef cattle and crops.

We were introduced to Eric and Cathy and the work they do back in 2017. Since then they have treated ourselves, our animals and our properties.

To explain how or what they do is difficult and even harder for most to understand. But the results speak for themselves.

We recently had 5 healing plans done on our western block. It’s 5000 acres with a mixture of cropping and grazing. This property has struggled for years. The rain always went around the property or if we did get rain it would wipe out our crops, with hail or floods. We would get 15ml of rain, while our neighbours would get 120ml of rain and there hasn’t been a blade of grass on the property in over 10 years.

With my ability to sense/feel energy I knew the property needed help. The whole property felt tired, heavy and extremely exhausted. The property has always struggled, no matter if it was a good season or not, it was if it was cursed…..

When Cathy & Eric started the first healing plan, the chemical load was huge. So much to work on and heal, on so many different levels. The first healing plan confirmed what I had been feeling. The property desperately needed some healing.

Five healing plans later and the property is feeling so much lighter. There is a huge amount of knee-high clover growing, the crops look fantastic and the cattle are fat. We are getting rain, when our neighbours have, not like previous to the healing plans.

It’s early days yet to fully assess the benefits of the healing plans, but we look forward to observing future improvements and changes.

We are so grateful to know Cathy & Eric and the amazing work they do. We would be lost without them 🙂

To book in for your stocks first Healing Plan click here. To book in for your farm’s/property’s first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here and click here for more on Property Healing Plans.

To see our recommended remedies for your farm, stock and property click here. 

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